With the holiday season underway, presidential candidates have been adding holiday-themed promotional merchandise to their Web stores. From sweaters fit for an “ugly sweater party” to decorations to hang on the tree, candidates from both ends of the political spectrum are getting in the spirit.
Sweaters are the most popular holiday-themed item. Republicans Ben Carson and Ted Cruz both feature old-fashioned-looking sweaters on their sites. Democratic candidate Hillary Cilnton also offers a busy sweater with her campaign logo front and center.
In terms of decorations, Carson’s store has a classic glass tree ornament that says “Merry Christmas from the Carsons” and “Ben Carson for President 2016.”
The presidential candidates even have holiday gatherings in mind. Clinton is selling a cookie cutter in the shape of her logo, and Rand Paul is offering a “Giant Rand Paul Christmas Card,” which stands 3′ tall. (We’re not sure how the mail carriers will fit them into mailboxes, but if Santa can fit down a chimney, we’re sure they can figure something out.)