Fans of “Breaking Bad” should remember Los Pollos Hermanos (Spanish for “The Chicken Brothers”), the fictional restaurant with some seriously dark side businesses. Humberto Puentes-Segura, designer of the restaurant’s logo, is suing Sony Pictures for using the image on merchandise, like T-shirts, without his permission.
According to Courthouse News Service, Puentes-Segura said in his lawsuit that, after designing the logo in 2008, he permitted Sony to use the image in the TV show, but not on merchandise. He also is suing Topanga Productions, a subsidiary of Sony.
Puentes-Segura claimed that Topanga Productions has licensed T-shirts, hats and other merchandise with his logo, which he just found out about last year. He also claimed that he copyrighted the image in January, and he now is seeking accounting, profits, damages and an injunction.
A quick search on Amazon yielded numerous Los Pollos Hermanos-related items, including T-shirts, aprons, lanyards and even a bucket of fry batter.