
Crystal D Selected as a Finalist in Corporate Logo magazines Best of Business Poll

St. Paul, Minn. – December 18, 2006 – HYPERLINK “http://www.crystal-d.com” www.crystal-d.com – Crystal D, a leading supplier of corporate recognition awards to the promotional products industry, has been selected by Corporate Logo readers as a Finalist in the Second Annual Best of Business poll. Crystal D has been designated Best Award Supplier.

The results of the Best of Business poll were determined by the votes of several thousand readers. Corporate Logo readers had a six-month time frame, February through August, to vote on the Corporate Logo website for the best suppliers in various categories. The magazine will summarize the results of the poll and announce the 2006 winners in the Best of Business issue, scheduled for December 15.

“Crystal D is honored to be named a Best Award Supplier by Corporate Logo readers,” says Chuck Dahlgren, president. “This nomination confirms that our customers find our 750+ products attractive, useful, and affordable. We have invested heavily in product development and feature over 130 exclusive designs. On behalf of the Crystal D team, I would like to thank all Corporate Logo readers for their vote.”

About Corporate Logo

Corporate Logo is the independent voice of the promotional products world. Published 13 times per year by Virgo Publishing, it includes industry favorites such as the Buyer’s Guide, Best of Business and Chicks Rule issues. Available in print and digital versions, the magazine reaches a circulation of 30,000 promotional products sales professionals. A companion website, HYPERLINK “http://www.corporatelogo.com/” www.corporatelogo.com, features breaking industry news, the latest products, and blog commentary from our staff and experts from all facets of the industry.

About Crystal D

Crystal D has been a leading supplier of corporate awards and recognition products to the promotional product industry for over 15 years. Crystal D offers over 750 elegant and innovative crystal awards, desktop items and corporate gifts. Crystal D maximizes technology to communicate with its promotional product consultants via e-commerce and an online order tracking system. For more information, visit www.crystal-d.com.


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