“I like waking up to the smell of bacon—sue me.”
Fans of “The Office” might recognize this quote as Michael Scott’s explanation of how he burnt his foot on a George Foreman grill (he wakes up, puts bacon on the grill, and goes back to bed so when he wakes up for the day there is bacon cooked, but he stepped on it by accident).
There are, however, easier ways to enjoy the smell of bacon without the risk of bodily harm. Hormel Foods, the maker of Black Label Bacon, announced a new product called “Breathable Bacon.”
It’s a face mask that smells like bacon.
Hormel is giving away bacon-scented face masks on www.breathablebacon.com. Each request will be met with a donation of one meal to Feeding America, too.
The mask is a two-ply multi-fiber cloth mask “to keep the delicious smell of bacon always wrapped around your nose and mouth.”
“We’re continually focused on innovation—from new products to marketing and distribution—all in an effort to deliver new and exciting ways to experience and enjoy Black Label Bacon,” Nick Schweitzer, senior brand manager at Hormel Black Label Bacon, said in a press release. “In 2020, that means connecting everyone’s favorite bacon scent to the year’s ‘it’ accessory, and in doing so, bring Black Label Bacon closer to our fans.”
Black Label has been working hard at an immersive bacon branding campaign by also reportedly making a bacon-fueled motorcycle, a bacon-themed “multi sensory virtual experience” and a “musical experience using the sounds of bacon.”
So, if you’re into bacon, this is the mask for you. Or, if you’ve recently decided to go vegan or vegetarian, this is a great way to get that delicious bacon scent without feeling guilty.