Kevin Montecalvo, owner of InMotion Brand Strategies Powered by Proforma, Byfield, Mass., has secured a $1 million e-commerce contract with Structure Tone, a $4 billion international, full-service construction services provider. The e-commerce site will feature more than 100 branded merchandise items, as well as printed collateral and marketing pieces.
“Proforma’s partnership with Structure Tone will give them more control in their marketing efforts worldwide, as well as lowering their inventory costs and increasing the efficiency of their buying processes,” said Montecalvo. “With Proforma, Structure Tone will receive personal service from people who understand their brand and are personally invested in their success, as well as an agency that has access to unlimited marketing and creative resources to help them maximize their exposure and fully leverage their global presence.”
Structure Tone’s new e-commerce site will serve employees in 16 domestic locations and three international offices. The store will help Structure Tone control brand consistency, manage company spending, and regulate inventory and warehousing of its products.
“With Proforma, I’m able to position myself as a full service marketing agency, which gives me a competitive advantage in winning major accounts and extensive e-commerce projects,” said Montecalvo. “Proforma’s vast resources have made it possible for us to offer a technology solution that will serve more than 1,200 employees worldwide.”
InMotion Brand Strategies Powered by Proforma currently operates five major e-commerce sites, with Structure Tone’s store being the largest yet. Montecalvo is developing the site with Proforma’s e-commerce support team and also is working with Proforma’s network of preferred supplier partners to establish warehousing and on-demand services.
For more information about InMotion Brand Strategies Powered by Proforma, visit For more information on Structure Tone, visit For more information on Proforma, visit