Logomark and Gemline Achieve QCA Accreditation

Just weeks after the Chicago-based Quality Certification Alliance (QCA) opened for membership, the organization achieved another milestone as two of its founding members, Tustin, California-based Logomark and Lawrence, Massachusettes-based Gemline became the first suppliers to achieve QCA accreditation.

To achieve accreditation, a QCA member begins the process by first endorsing a self-certification, then it proceeds to a self-assessment step, followed by a third-party audit. Finally, a score card is created based on the results of the third-party audit, and the QCA board uses the score card as the foundation for granting accreditation.

“This has been a humbling experience. Even though Logomark is renowned for quality, going through the rigorous accreditation process has allowed us to vastly improve what we deliver,” said Trevor Gnesin, president of Logomark Inc. “I wanted to step up and reaffirm the trust our distributor partners have placed in Logomark, and receiving QCA Accreditation has accomplished this goal.”

The independent verification of the standards and procedures to which QCA-certified companies adhere ensures that distributors and their clients receive consistently safe, high-quality, socially compliant and environmentally-conscientious merchandise.

“Compliance is one of the cornerstones of Gemline’s philosophy,” said Jonathan Isaacson, CEO of Gemline. “I am proud of this important achievement, and it’s a positive step for our industry. I’m also thankful for the establishment of the QCA accreditation program, as it not only helps ensure product quality and safety but also provides recognition to leaders in the field and brings more attention to these critical issues.”

About QCA

The Quality Certification Alliance is an independent accreditation organization whose mission is to elevate the standards by which industry firms that import and/or manufacture promotional products provide consistently safe, high-quality, socially compliant and environmentally conscientious merchandise. The QCA Seal of Approval is granted to member companies who complete an independent third-party audit and comply with stringent standards, which are based upon a combination of state and national laws, international standards and industry-accepted best practices that are recognized for their strength and effectiveness by QCA members, the promotional products industry and the end-user clients.

For more information on the QCA, visit www.qcalliance.org.

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