Outer Banks, Winston-Salem, N.C., has announced its continued promotional sportswear sponsorship of the University of Missouri Solar House project team, in which the company outfitted the student engineering team with matching Essential Pique polo shirts in pine green.
The University of Missouri-Rolla is one of 20 teams selected by the U.S. Department of Energy to compete in the bi-annual Solar Decathlon that will be held on the National Mall in Washington, DC, Oct. 12-20. The competition requires participants to design, build and operate the most extravagant and energy-efficient, 800 sq. ft. solar-powered homes. In 2005, the team finished in 7th place, including a first place finish in energy balance and fifth place in architecture.
Outer Banks Senior Marketing Manager, Matt Waterman, has taken a special interest in renewable resources ever since the company introduced its Eco-Fiber collection. “The enthusiasm of this team is contagious,” said Waterman. “The least we could do was to make sure that they looked good.”
For more information, call (800) 438-2029 or visit www.outerbankssportswear.com.