Salem One: Achieving Wide-Format Growth Through Acquisitions

Adaptability is integral to any printing business’ success. At Winston-Salem, North Carolina-based Salem One, that is certainly true. The 233-employee operation had $7.83 million in wide-format sales in 2023, up 412.1% from the prior year’s wide-format sales.

Phil Kelley Jr., CEO and president of Salem One, attributes this change to organic growth and M&A activity.

Last year, Salem One partnered with private equity, which is in line with the company’s vision, “where we believe we can grow from 35 million [dollars] to over $100 million in the next three to five years,” he says.

Additionally, Kelley points to Salem One’s January 2024 acquisition of iTek Graphics, Charlotte, North Carolina, as a driver of growth.

Read the rest of this story on Wide-Format Impressions.

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