The Selco Companies, Tulsa, Okla., will kick off a special campaign during the months of August, September and October to help bring awareness to October’s National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. During the three-month period, Selco will donate 10 percent of the sales of its pink products to breast cancer research. “We simply want give back to help bring awareness to a good cause,” stated Mark Abels, president.
Statistics show breast cancer will affect thousands of women across the country in 2007 alone, and the illness has affected some associated with Selco. Abels’ grandmother and co-founder of Selco, Eunice Seligson, 95, has been a survivor of breast cancer for many years. In addition, Susan Cartwright, who has worked at the company for almost six years, was diagnosed with the illness in December of 2000. She has been cancer-free for six years.
For more information and a list of Selco’s ‘pink products,’ call (800) 947-3526 or visit