It’s essential to have realistic expectations when you’re reaching out to new prospects. Otherwise, it’s really easy to get discouraged.
You may wish people would say, “I’m so glad you called. I have a very creative project with a generous budget that would be perfect for you.” That rarely happens.
What does happen, if you’ve targeted your market correctly, is that the people you call will be mildly interested in what you have to offer. That’s a good thing. That’s what you want.
Here’s what I consider a positive response: “Yes, we work with companies like yours but we don’t have any need right now.”
If you say “thanks anyway” and hang up, you’ve missed the opportunity to plant a seed. That’s why you must be prepared to address the two most common responses.
1. “We’re not in the market for that right now.”
This means the obstacle is timing. All you need to find out is when they will be in the market, then be sure to reach out during (or before) that window of time.
Here’s what to say: “I’d be happy to send you some information and then stay in touch until you are ready. May I do that?”
2. “We already have a vendor for these services.”
Yes, but are they happy with their current vendor? Your prospect may be staying with the current resource because it’s too much effort to find someone else. Or they may need a back up resource at the drop of a hat. If you’re waiting in the wings, you’ll be well positioned to fill the need.
Here’s what to say: “Well, just in case things change, do you mind if I send you some information and then stay in touch?”
Excerpted from “Quick Tips from Marketing Mentor”, a free e-mail newsletter published by Hoboken, New Jersey-based consultant, Ilise Benun. Benun is also the author of “Stop Pushing Me Around: A Workplace Guide for the Timid, Shy and Less Assertive” and founder of Marketing Mentor, a one-on-one coaching program for small business owners. For more information, visit