By Colleen Wainwright,
Here are the first two of my 12 tips for creating a newsletter people will read every time it hits their inbox:
Every time I sign up for a new newsletter, I cross my fingers and hope. And almost invariably, I am disappointed. It’s very hard, apparently, to get a newsletter right, and really, really easy to screw it up.
Now that I’m in the throes of creating my own newsletter, I’ve started looking at others’ with an even closer eye. Here’s a little of what I’ve learned.
1. Content is king. I’m a designer. I like things to look nice. However, of my three favorite newsletters, one is text-only and one is, um, ugly. I read that sucker every Friday morning, stem to stern. And for the record, that third newsletter? A miraculous combination of nice looks and great content.
2. Leave me wanting more. Of course, there is almost no such thing as too long if your content is good enough. But why kill yourself? You’ve got 51 more weeks (or 11 more months) to fill. Besides, the point of the newsletter, as I understand it, is to get someone interested in your business. I would think the two greatest ways to do that are to tell me incredibly useful information, thereby establishing yourself as an expert, and to leave me wanting more of your expertise.
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