Tips of the Trade: Are you bad with numbers?

By Ilise Benun, marketing mentor

Do you know how much it costs to run your business? If not, you may be in financial trouble and not even know it.

I know, I know. You’re “bad with numbers.”

Well, that belief could be ruining your business—and your future.

My new download, “Money Management for Business Success,” is the perfect place to start learning about the numbers that matter to your business. Here’s just a fraction of what we cover in this 60-minute mp3 + 24-page transcript:

* Your mentality: What to do if you just can’t stand dealing with money

* Money Management Basics: How many billable hours should you be working to make a profit?

* Cash flow strategies: How to get paid within a week of completing a job plus, how to extend payment terms with vendors and make money doing it

* Dealing with clients and money: Why you should never, ever tell a client your hourly rate (and exactly what to say instead)

* Pro bono work: How to guarantee that the value of your pro bono work is acknowledged

* Growing Your Business: How to raise your rates on current clients without losing them…and so much more!

More details about this audio + transcript here:

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