By Ilise Benun, marketing mentor
A tagline is a sentence or phrase—memorable and easy to understand—that conveys the essence of your business in a nutshell. (Easier said than done.)
Because it usually accompanies your company name, whether on your business card or the masthead of your Web site, the purpose of a tagline is to build on your company’s name to reveal a bit more about what you do for your clients.
Not every company needs one, but it couldn’t hurt. And it’s especially helpful when your company’s name is vague, like Smith Associates.
This is on the table because we’re developing a new tagline. We’ve come up with a few ideas and, since you know us so well, we’d like your opinion, in exchange for our Winning Tagline Worksheet.
Here’s what we’ve been using:
Marketing Mentor: teaching the art of marketing and self promotion
Here are the new ideas:
1. Marketing Mentor: your business development partner
2. Marketing Mentor: empowering creative businesspeople
3. Marketing Mentor: accountability * motivation * how to
4. Marketing Mentor: build your business and your confidence
What do you think? E-mail [email protected] with your vote (or your better ideas). In exchange, I’ll send you a free copy of the Winning Tagline Worksheet, just in case it’s time for you to change (or finally settle on) your own tagline.
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