There’s a lot of great work to be done in December, if you like networking. In fact, holiday parties provide the perfect opportunity to solidify old relationships and set the foundation for new ones.
So, go to as many of these events as you can and just sit and chat with people you don’t have a chance to see, or even with those you do see regularly. But don’t assume you already know these people. Approach them with curiosity.
The end of the year is a perfect time to reflect and to encourage others to do the same. Ask questions like:
How was 2006 for you?
What was the highlight of your year?
What did you want to accomplish that you didn’t get to?
What are you planning for 2007?
And if you’re in the United States, it’s not too late to order your own personalized stamps to stick on the heart-felt cards you’re sending. Go to
Excerpted from “Quick Tips from Marketing Mentor”, a free e-mail newsletter published by Hoboken, New Jersey-based consultant, Ilise Benun. Benun is also the author of “Stop Pushing Me Around: A Workplace Guide for the Timid, Shy and Less Assertive” and founder of Marketing Mentor, a one-on-one coaching program for small business owners. For more information, visit