Remember the tree from the end of “The Shawshank Redemption?” If you’ve never seen the movie, I won’t spoil anything for you, but I will politely ask what is wrong with you, because it is a classic.
If you have seen it, however, you’ll be interested to know that the tree was cut down (due to severe storm damage), but has been repurposed for promotional “Shawshank” merchandise.
TMZ reported that items like mini rock hammers, magnets, bottle openers and shadow boxes were on sale June 17 in Mansfield, Ohio, during the Shawshank Hustle 7k race, which features five of the movie’s locations.

Many of the items, such as pieces of wood with movie quote inscriptions, sold out at the event, but the leftovers are available online at
For those of you who haven’t seen the movie yet, hopefully this will inspire you to check it out, and maybe snag a piece of original oak tree merchandise for yourself. I hope you do.
And as Tim Robbins’s Andy Dufresne said, hope never dies.