Sleuthing with Google Alerts

Well hey everybody, welcome to week two of “Mike talking about handy computer programs.” If you missed it last week, I explained that for the next few weeks [link] I’ll be using my semi-substantial nerd powers to dig up some Web tools that you might find useful. This week, we’re going to cover Google Alerts.

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RSS For Success

For the next few weeks, I thought I’d highlight a few Web applications that some of you might find useful. Not that I’m any great-and-powerful computer wizard or anything, but I do like to get my nerd on now and again. As a result of said nerdiness, I’ve picked up a few good tricks that those not permanently tethered to a computer screen like myself might not know. This week we’re going to cover one of the basics–RSS readers.

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Annual Gift Day and Nostalgia Marketing

My apologies for the brief absence in posting. I think we can all agree though that besides being the season of jolly happy funtime lala sugarplum land, the holidays are also a time of insane, soul-stomping busyness, workaholism and casual explorations of stress-induced illnesses like hyperventilation, migraines and stomach ulcers.

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A glimpse into Mike’s Favorites Folder

It’s been a while since I’ve done this, so I thought I would take some time to share some of the sites that have been dominating my favorites bar lately. This week we’re going to stick with blogs because, um, November has a “B” in it? Seems like rock-solid reasoning to me. Ready? Here we go!

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Internet confession time: I’m pretty nerdy. This may not come as a surprise to those of you for who have been following this blog for a while, but for new readers, let me bring you up to speed.

I just recently moved, and I had to pack up about 1,500 comic books*. One of the  best gifts my girlfriend has given me is an Xbox 360, which I don’t use to play sports games or shooters, but usually old Genesis games like Altered Beast and Shining Force. And maybe most tellingly, when my girlfriend first met me, she asked why there were so many toys in my room. In my defense, they were awesome “toys,” like old Transformers and classy Marvel Legends figures, but I suppose her point still stands. 

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2010 Style Guide Teaser

I thought this week I would post a little teaser of the style guide I’m writing for our December issue. Since I have a little more time than usual to work on my stories, I ended up collecting a bit more material in my interviews than what’s likely going to see print. I hate wasting good information, so I’ve picked one interview, of the many I really liked, which might not get the attention it deserves in the print version of the story, and presented it below in a Q and A format. Enjoy, and look for the full story this December!

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I’ll get to the correct answer to last week’s question in a bit, but first I thought I would run through some of my favorite miss-guesses I received via e-mail. Though incorrect, I feel they are definitely still worth sharing. Arranged in no particular order, here are my top three:

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Fun with FlashForward

Based on my love of Lost, I decided to check out FlashForward last Thursday. It was okay I guess. Overall I wasn’t too impressed. The pilot seemed overly expository and character dialogue was a bit clunky and forced. Still, it was just the first episode, so I suppose I’ll give the show a few more episodes before I cross it off the list.

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