The “Aha!” Moment That Can Triple Your Business

Making the leap from $300,000, $400,000 or $500,000 in sales to becoming a multimillion dollar distributor can take some hard reflecting, tough choices and most importantly lots of planning. What it comes down to is this: Are you willing to go outside your comfort zone, pursue major accounts and challenge your sales team to follow suit?

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My Path to Millions Can be Yours Too

If you’re a business owner in this industry maybe you can relate to this. You have to wear so many hats and do so many different things that don’t make you money. These tasks only make you crazy and exhausted.

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Learning Wealth Creation

You know, it’s interesting to me that most of the lessons that I learned in school had nothing to do with my becoming successful and wealthy. In school we learn how to become an accountant, how to become a nurse, how to become a banker, how to become an engineer. But there’s no class that teaches you how to become wealthy.

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