30 Blogs in 30 Days–Why None of Us Should Refudiate Googleability!

So here goes my own personal challenge, 30 blogs in 30 days. I am constantly discussing the power of the blog. How it is paramount for the small-business owner to be actively blogging on the web, creating a viral marketing campaign and getting involved in social media.

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A Citizen of the World

The recent wave of suicides at the Foxconn manufacturing plant in China has served as an eye-opener to what life is like living in a factory culture. Proposed wage increases across Chinese factories have created a dialog in the U.S.

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A Little Spring in Our Steps

For six months or so, in the eye of the worst economic contraction of my lifetime, businesses and forecasters have been declaring the recession over. Regardless of layoffs and spending freezes, experts and non-experts alike stated with great clarity that all was well.

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The Power of 3G and Me

I got a new phone yesterday. It’s one of those fancy, newfangled 3G smart phones and has a whole host of awesome features that my old phone didn’t have: a touch-screen, Wi-Fi, video—you name it, its got it. When it arrived, I was like a kid on Christmas morning. I couldn’t wait to get it out of the box and start using it.

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Testimony of Simplicity

Over the course of the last decade, a vast majority of Americans pulled out a great, big pair of rose-colored glasses and tricked themselves into believing our financial worth was invincible. We tricked ourselves into believing—regardless of the fact that the value of our money was declining—massive borrowing and spending was acceptable. Somehow, some way, debts would be cleared, McMansion mortgages would be met and keeping up with the Jones’ could be an attainable goal.  

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