When it comes to corporate fashion, accessories give brands another touch point—one that complements garments in a traditional apparel program. For distributors, accessories offer an additional revenue stream that may have been overlooked.
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3 Great Promotional Products for Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day will be here before you know it. In case you’re stuck on ideas for products, here are three mighty and mom-worthy product suggestions, pulled from the all-knowing and endless brunch buffet that is Promo Marketing search.
Read MoreEditor’s Picks: What Time Is It?
Promotional watches to recall the world before telling time on a mobile device was the standard.
Read MoreLiving on the Edge
Fall fashion flirts with the dark side. Read on to learn more about these edgy trends, and ask yourself: Are you Joan Jett or Faith Hill?
Read MoreEditor’s Picks: Baubles on the Brain
Promotional precious stones to please everyone from pre-teens to professionals.
Read MoreWasted Opportunity?
Garbage frontwoman Shirley Manson’s eclectic looks lead to the question: Is there room for fun in promotional apparel campaigns?
Read MoreRinging in Mother’s Day
So, like OMG, have you seen the ginormous diamond Angelina Jolie has been flashing in Hollywood or whatever country she is trying to save? Bad pun alert: If you haven’t, then you must be living under a rock.
Read MoreEditor’s Picks: Sunny Days Are Here Again
It would be way too easy to start out by asking if you wear sunglasses at night. So, hey, how about this nice weather we’re having on the East Coast? All kidding aside, Philadelphia experienced some record temperatures over the weekend, which meant it was time to invest in a new pair of sunglasses. And that is exactly what I did.
Read MoreSpice Up Your Wardrobe
In 1996, I was a sophomore in high school. Of course I thought I knew everything about…well, everything. Actually, that’s not entirely true. After giving it two minutes, I recalled something I didn’t understand back then and, admittedly, I still don’t understand it to this day. Of course, I’m talking about the lyrics to “Wannabe” by the Spice Girls (you know…girl power and all of that).
Read MoreProduct of the Day: Armitron Watch from Castle Merchandising Inc.
Give into your dark side and embrace your inner black knight with Castle Merchandising Inc.’s Plated Black Stainless Steel Watch with Diamond Dial. Dark and elegant, the watch is perfect for the man who’s over princesses and would rather a lady who likes her steaks rare, her wine more like whiskey, and knows how to handle herself around a dragon.
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