It’s merger mania on episode 4 of the Promo Marketing Podcast! With the recent uptick in high-profile promo industry mergers and acquisitions (four in the month of May alone), PPAI’s Paul Bellantone joined Sean and Brendan to talk about what it all means for the industry, especially smaller and mid-size distributors. We also discuss the fast growth of industry and non-industry companies, chat about how outside competition could be an overall positive, and dig in to findings from PPAI’s Sales Volume study. Plus, Paul recaps Promotional Products Work! Week and Legislative Education and Action Day (LEAD), wherein promo representatives singlehandedly solved the trade crisis (kidding!), and gives a motivational talk for the industry. In short: It’s time to be more positive, dangit!
And, if that wasn’t enough, Sean and Brendan chat about those terrible apology commercials from Uber, Facebook and Wells Fargo (steam-powered trains make everything better, you guys) and pitch a radical, extremely progressive idea for modern businesses: Don’t be terrible!