3 Networking Tips for 2012

The next few months are very busy here at Promo Marketing and they lead to one of my favorite events in the industry: PROMOTIONS EAST. In preparation for the Atlantic City-held trade show, I’ve compiled a list of three effective ways to better your networking and selling techniques by June.

1. Redesign Your Calling Card
Maintaining a brand is important, but updating it to fit with current business trends is essential. Because our industry still values business cards, additions like QR codes and links to your social sites can bring your paper product to the tech age. Also, you can make your card digital by using LinkedIn, Facebook or Pinterest. These sites offer venues to showcase your experience and content in a controlled and stationary manner so your information is always visible. (Unlike Twitter, which is better as a means of gathering and sending more immediate information.)

2. Go Out
Anyone who has been to an industry trade show knows that much of the networking is done after show hours. Expand on your normal networking go-tos and try new activities. Make dinner plans. Go sightseeing. Visit local haunts. Use the many social events at PROMOTIONS EAST as an intro to these post-show activities. You’ll be impressed with yourself and your relationship-fostering abilities.

3. Find a Theme Song
“We Found Love” by Rihanna is mine currently. The song is techno-heavy, has about seven lyrics altogether and relates to nothing going on in my life directly, but I cannot help but do a happy dance every time I hear it. Happy people sell (and buy) things. Find a song that makes you (and your clients) happy. Imagine if your theme song came on at one of your networking events. Your programs will practically sell themselves!

Stay tuned for more information on show events on the PROMOTIONS EAST Facebook page and in my blog.

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