6 Markets for Women’s History Month Promotions

March 1 is next Friday. I know what you are thinking: National Pig Day and Peanut Butter Lover’s Day is here already? It is, and so is Women’s History Month. After you finish eating peanut butter everything and looking at pictures of teacup pigs on the Internet, you can focus on women’s history (which will likely be more lucrative than peanut butter and pigs combined).

Here are six markets good for Women’s History Month promotions. If you have any other suggestions or stories of promotions you have done, please email me or leave them in the comments.

1. Local TV & Radio Stations
National TV programs will run commercials and host events throughout March talking about women’s history, so why not get involved with local programs to give them a boost in ratings? They can plan a women’s history event and give out bags with products celebrating notable women in history. Don’t forget to include current female role models like Tina Fey. Her quotes make great T-shirt slogans. Like this gem from Bossypants:

“This is what I tell young women who ask me for career advice. People are going to try to trick you. To make you feel that you are in competition with one another. ‘You’re up for a promotion. If they go for a woman, it’ll be between you and Barbara.’ Don’t be fooled. You’re not in competition with other women. You’re in competition with everyone.”

2. Woman-owned Businesses
Promotions for woman-owned businesses in March can range from small in-office giveaways to goodie bags for galas. Products that commemorate women’s history in general and the actual founder/founding of the company would be best.

3. Fitness Centers
BeWellyPhilly, a fitness blog on Philadelphia Magazine’s website, hosts a women-only fitness event in June. It is a place for women to learn about nutrition, try new fitness classes and purchase athletic gear. It is a great (and profitable) idea worthy of suggesting to your fitness and gym clients. The event does not have to be in March, but they can start promoting in Women’s History Month to encourage ticket sales.

4. Museums
The National Women’s History Project announced its theme for this year’s Women’s History Month is “Women Inspiring Innovation through Imagination: Celebrating Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.” So science museums will be a good place to start. Then you can move on to art museums, because many host special exhibits for female artists that will need some promoting. Finally, there are women-only museums like the National Museum of Women in the Arts, which will definitely want to amp up promotions in March.

5. Schools
Schools hold special events in March explaining Women’s History Month and the importance of it. Focus on women in education and notable historical figures in your programs.

6. Hospitals, Law Firms, Finance & Other High-salary Industries
Many high-salary (and higher-education) careers took a long time to fully integrate women. To recognize the struggle, many now host female-focused seminars and networking events year round (and especially during March). PPAI’s has its Women’s Leadership Conference. Use that as inspiration to help other industries promote their women in business events.

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