A Little Goes A Long Way

If the recent primary campaigns have taught us anything, it is that a little bit can go a long way. Barack Obama didn’t just break, he shattered every single fundraising effort, with the bulk of his funding coming from small online donations. By collecting $10 or $20 at a time he was able to stuff a multimillion dollar war chest, a chest that in no small part helped him get the nomination.

It strikes me that this approach should be applied to charitable giving as well. Charities shouldn’t discount campaigns aimed at smaller donors, and likewise people should trust that even if they are putting a drop in the charity bucket, the bucket will eventually be full.

With both Journalbooks and Norwood looking for ways to help out to entire populations of people, I hope everyone will considered chipping in what they can. After all, $10 or $15 donations add up quickly when there are a few thousand people showing their support.

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