A Fresh Idea From Dallas

Despite doing my best to “mess with Texas,”* I managed to survive my trip to Dallas. I might write more about my trip later, but for now I just wanted to share a cool product I found.

The Paper Air Fresheners from EMT, pictured above, is the latest product I’ve seen to include some kind of removable tag or coupon, and something I feel like I’m seeing more and more of in general. There’s this air freshener, which I think is super-clever by the way, there’s Fey Promotional Products’ Tabbers bracelets that I wrote about for March’s My Best Promotion, and I noticed a similar paper bracelet in the new products booth at ASI Dallas as well. Combine this rise of tear-away tabs with similar ideas that are popping up, like Anvil Knitwear and Ariel Premium Supply becoming QR-code capable, and it sort of seems like there’s a trend starting with interactive products that provide some kind of value-add/ROI-hook.

Take a look around on your own and see if you come to the same conclusion about this (potentially) upcoming trend as I did. If it’s real and these kinds of items are catching on with end-buyers for whatever reason, it would probably be a good idea to figure out why this is and how you can incorporate such items into your business.

Until next week!

MONDAY MIKE FACT: My right knee is killing me and I’ve no idea why.

* By “Mess with Texas” I mean I ate a veggie burger twice and spent my nights either quietly ironing or reading.

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