Extreme Office Makeover

I’m surrounded by promotional products—and I mean that literally. For the upcoming June edition of Promo Marketing magazine, we will be doing an Extreme Office Makeover, which is very similar to the reality television home makeover shows, only on a much smaller scale (and, of course, limited to promotional products).The response from suppliers wanting to participate has been amazing and products are starting to stack up (one of the publishers started calling me Fred Sanford because of the junkyard quality of my cube as boxes roll in).

To my right are a rainbow collection of new-fangled letter openers/staple removers. At my feet, sits a box with the new Promo Marketing custom clock. On the windowsill sits a solar phone charger and on the bookcase is a USB drive that is by far the coolest I’ve seen (and there’s much, much more). It should be quite a project when all is said and done.

In any case, I wanted to thank all the suppliers for their support and encourage everyone else out there who wants, to send an item in. The only question left seems to be whose office gets all tricked out and whose cube remains the same (namely, mine). I knew I should have called it the Extreme Cubical Makeover. (But I’m not bitter—really!)

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