Get Curious About Your Business (Ask ‘Why?’ Three Times)

One of the most valuable practices you can have to build the business you want is to spend some serious thinking time. I don’t mean daydreaming. I don’t mean just being reflective. I mean getting out a pen and paper or your word processor, maybe Google too, and get serious about creating the business that provides both a living and a life.

Like that irritating 4-year-old kid, you need to be asking “Why?” and asking it a lot. You need to not only ask it to the point of distraction, but you also need to answer it. Here are three important “why” questions that you need to find the answers to.

1. Why are your customers buying from you right now? Do you know the answer to this question? Do you like the answer? Is your answer something that you can replicate and provide to every prospect that you would like to work with? Will your answer still work for you next year? In five years? Can your competition match or become better at your why? Learn and understand what value your customers want and how you can deliver that.

2. Why are your customers staying with you? Or, Why are your customers shopping you? Are your customers constantly pressuring you over price? Do they abandon you to save a few dollars? Do they find value in what you provide? Do they like you personally but view your offerings as purely transactional? How easy would it be for a competitor to replace you? What do you need to do to create loyal customers? Find out what your customers find impressive and amazing so that you can create advocates.

3. Why is your competition so successful? What is it about their relationship to their customers that makes it that you can’t get in the door? What can you learn from them? What do they do that you don’t do? Are they selling at a higher level up the food chain? Why don’t you? Discover how you can raise the level of your presentations. You can be more professional in how your package your proposals. Deliver your ideas in such a way that your contacts would feel comfortable showing your proposal to the CEO of their company. Out-think and out-work your competition and you’ll see some progress.

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