I Love You!

My blog is titled “Million Dollar Mindset,” and many times I write about ideas to help my readers make more money.

But having a million dollar mindset is about much more than just money. Let’s face it, we all know some very wealthy people who don’t seem very happy, right? Clearly money isn’t the only factor that goes into having a million dollar mindset.

A million dollar mindset is really all about sharing the joy and love in our lives with others. If you researched the life of Mother Teresa you would find she lived the life of a person with a million dollar mindset. Her life was filled with joy and love despite not having monetary wealth.

Recently, our nation experienced another tragic incident of mass violence. Many people took to social media to blame politicians, guns, the media and more. It’s my view that we lose an opportunity to learn, grow and be part of the solution when we point our fingers at others. To quote Candice Rasa, one of my treasured teachers, “it’s easier to plug the holes on a boat from the inside.”

If you researched the life of the perpetrator you would surely find a heart filled with hate. It’s my view that a heart filled with hate has no room for love and a heart filled with love has no room for hate.

If we want a loving world with less hate there is something we can do. We can use our million dollar mindset to purposefully share love and joy with others through our words, smiles, random acts of kindness and by simply showing someone you care.

If each of us purposefully shares love, joy and acts of kindness with others, maybe it will ripple throughout the world the same way a pebble creates ripples in the water and help fill the hearts of others with enough love that they have no room for hate.

OK, I’ll start. Let me tell you that I love you. I don’t care if I know you. I don’t care if you are my competitor. No matter who you are, I choose to love you. I may not like everything about you, but I love you.

Now let me encourage you to amplify the ripples of joy and love and help make our world a better place. Start by telling someone you love them. Give a stranger a smile or perform a random act of kindness. Just give someone your time and show them you care. Then maybe, just maybe, we can fill the world with enough joy and love that there’s no room for hate.

If you would like to learn more about how loving speech can heal the world, please read this blog by my treasured teacher, Candice Rasa.

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