We’ve all heard people say, “Enough is enough.” The person saying it wants something to stop because they can no longer accept or deal with it. We’ve all said it from time to time.
The truth is that “enough is enough” is also how most people live their lives. No matter where you are in life, no matter how much you have achieved, if you have decided that where you are is where you want to stay, then you are living an “enough is enough” life.
I’m not just talking about your finances. I’m talking about:
- Your health
- Your spirituality
- Your wisdom
- Your contribution to the world
- Your family
- Your social connections
It’s okay for enough to be enough in some of these areas, but it’s never ok for enough to be enough in all of these areas.
Let me ask you, in which of these areas is enough not enough for you? In which of these areas do you feel you are inadequate, insufficient or unsatisfactory?
To live an amazing life, let me encourage you to figure out in which of these areas enough is enough. And in which of these areas enough is not enough.
This may seem simple, but I think many people spend too much time on “enough is enough” stuff. I’m sure you know people with lots of money who keep focusing on making more money because that’s what is easiest for them, but are doing horribly in some other areas of their life. Perhaps they even use making more money as an excuse for their shortcomings in other areas.
Once you know when enough is enough and when enough is not enough you will be well on your way to an amazing life.