It Worked for Jim Carrey

If you want to achieve more wealth, just write yourself a check and post-date it.

The law of attraction is a very real thing. The truth is that everything in our universe is about vibrations. I know that most things look solid, but the truth is that all things are made from atoms and all atoms are constantly vibrating. So, your thoughts in your brain are vibrations, too, and those vibrations go out into the universe. We all know this instinctively when we say that some give off “great vibes.”

Perhaps some may struggle to completely understand this. But remember, just because you can’t hear a dog whistle doesn’t mean it doesn’t make a sound.

Your vibrations are real and can have a real impact on your life. If you want to raise your results you need to raise your vibration. One way to raise your vibration is to write yourself a check and post-date it.

It worked for Jim Carrey. His post-dated check for $10 million dollars became a reality. Listen to this 3 minute interview of Jim Carrey with Oprah Winfrey.

Here are the steps to raise your vibration with a post-dated check.

  1. Create a blank check.
  2. Make it payable to you.
  3. Fill in the amount you want to have by a certain date.
  4. Date the check.
  5. Sign the check from “The Universe” or “Future Clients” or whatever inspires you.
  6. Get creative in the memo section of the check.
  7. Put a copy in your wallet. Paste a copy on your mirror. Put a copy on your desk and in your day planner.

If it worked for Jim Carrey it can work for you. You just need to get to work believing in your big dream.

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