What’s your Summer Thrilling Goal? Zip Lining?

Last fall, when I was completing my Coaching Certification, they introduced a new version of SMART Goals. S – Smart, M – Measurable, A – Accountable, R – Resonant, and T – THRILLING. Goals should be so thrilling, even a little scary that you can’t wait to get started!

So at the beginning of this new year, I set my business and personal goals using this new SMART criteria. For my personal goals, I wanted to do a thrilling goal with my husband and both my daughters. During summer holidays in early July, my youngest daughter Alexa, who is 13 years old, announced that she wanted to go zip-lining. This definitely was a thrilling goal that resonated for Alexa and was real SCARY for me! As a leader, coach and Mom, I had no choice but to walk my talk. There was lots of positive self-talk going on in my head leading up this event! Then I learned, it was not just a simple zip line—but eight zip lines from tree to tree, two swinging bridges and a 40 foot repel. (For those of you like me who don’t know what a repel is—it’s a 40′ straight drop on a cable hooked around your body!)

We started with a practice zip line—that made it officially nine zip lines! OK—I did it, it wasn’t so bad.

First official zip line—we let the family of brave boys go first with the very nervous Mom. The talented guides had to use the most amazing sales skills to influence and persuade her to let her feet off the ground. She did it—so I had no excuses! Off I went, not so bad—my stomach didn’t drop into my shoes and the tour guides caught me on the other side. Only seven more to go … and oh yeah, the 40′ repel!

It became easier—the kids were having a blast—swinging from the trees. The tour guides informed us of the cable that could hold 5,000 pounds and the extra cable you were hooked to as a secondary precaution. I was impressed the two young tour guides were exceptionally well-trained and patient. I realized, as we went from one zip line to the next, then the swinging bridge—a big ah-ha!—my skills increased, confidence increased, because I learned to trust. I was totally safe and there was no way I could ever fall. I was even hanging off the tree platforms because I was totally secured by my cables attached to my harness. (Did I mention that I’m scared of heights?) The last zip line was over 800 feet long—it was a thrill soaring through the rainforest overlooking Lake Erie.

Now, the 40′ repel. Throughout the afternoon the kids always jumped to go first. I’m not sure what possessed me. As the kids were taking a deep breath, I stepped up to go first. I was buckled and swung out in mid-air and trusted myself and the universe to slowly drop down 40 feet. Yes—thrilling goal accomplished! It’s nerve-wrecking to push yourself out of your comfort zone (and with your kids!) but always well worth it! So, what will your thrilling goal be this summer? Email me and share your goals and experiences at [email protected].

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