Who’s Planting Your Garden?

What gets planted grows.

So who’s planting your garden?

Are you letting others plant seeds of doubt, worry and failure?  Because those seeds can grow into ever increasing weeds of doubt, worry and failure in your garden of life.

Are you choosing positive people to plant seeds of confidence, encouragement and success? Because those seeds can grow into ever increasing blossoms of confidence, encouragement and success in your garden of life.

Most important, are you planting seeds of worthiness, wealth and joy? Because those seeds can grow into ever increasing blossoms of worthiness, wealth and joy.

Perhaps it’s time for you to do some weeding in your life and garden. Perhaps it’s time to get rid of those weeds and the people that plant them in your garden of life.

Perhaps it’s time for you to carefully choose the people and beliefs in your life that are planting the right seeds. Your harvest is coming and it will be filled by the seeds that get planted in your garden of life.

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