Which Invoices Are Open? When Are They Due?

Ask the Accountant… Question: How can I find out which invoices are open and when they are due? Answer: In QuickBooks Premier, go to: “Reports” > “Customers and Receivables” > “A/R Aging Detail” This report will list all of your open invoices and their due dates. It will also “age” the invoices, showing how long…

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Which QuickBooks Edition Is Right for You?

Ask the Accountant… Question: I am downloading QuickBooks Premier. Which edition do I pick? Answer: QB Premier has multiple editions built into it. You purchase QB Premier, but select the edition when you are downloading the software. For our industry, choose the Manufacturing and Wholesale Edition. It best suits our business needs, and has a…

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What’s The Difference Between Cash and Accrual Accounting?

Question: What is the difference between cash and accrual accounting? Answer: Cash or accrual accounting refers to the timing of when income and expense events are officially recorded. Cash basis means income is included in your income statement when you actually receive payment from your customer. Similarly, the expenses are recorded the date you actually…

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Can I Integrate SAGE Online With QuickBooks on the Cloud?

Question: Can I have SAGE Online integrate with QuickBooks Premier if my QuickBooks is in a cloud-based storage platform? Answer: The SAGE Online system integrates with QuickBooks well—saving time and effort; recreating orders, customers, vendors and items in QB without having to reenter the data. Unfortunately, at this writing, SAGE cannot integrate with QB when…

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