A Personal Reflection on Life and Loss

Life has its ups and downs. We can all rejoice about the good things we have experienced in life. As a kid, you may have done special things in sports or celebrated academic accomplishments.

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It’s Simple. Be Nice. It’s Good for Business

Good communication leads to good relationships, and good relationships are good for business. This applies to both our personal and professional lives.

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I Could Have Slept In But Why Should You Care?

Something strange has happened to me. On a recent three-day holiday weekend, I had the opportunity to sleep in. But I didn’t. I attended a concert at the Hollywood Bowl Saturday and started early Sunday packing meals at our church for families in Haiti. I was looking forward to sleeping in on the holiday Monday when my wife told me our runners group was going out at 7 a.m. What would seem like an automatic “no” has become a much easier “yes” for me.

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Good Products… Good Prices!

Recently, I had an “Ah Hah Moment.” Don’t laugh when I tell that I’m just now realizing that at its core, we are an industry that’s based on products and price. …Really?? This revelation came after my wife and I went to a trade show recentl

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Life is Good … Isn’t It?

As I strolled through Los Angeles International Airport on my way to Miami, I took notice of the “Life is Good” store that is in many airports. At 6:00 a.m. it was closed, but my branding brain is always going.

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