Experience is NOT the Best Teacher

We have all heard the saying that “experience is the best teacher.” While sometimes it may be true, I believe that far more often experience is not the best teacher. First, I’ve met thousands of distributors and sales reps whose sales are very low. Sometimes they will tell me that they have been in the…

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What Experience Do You Deliver?

How would your clients describe the experience of meeting with you? How do they feel as you walk out of their offices? How do they feel about your impending appointments to see them? Here’s the toughest question for you to ponder. I want you to think this through thoroughly. If you are part of a…

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It’s About the Experience

Yesterday my friend gave me a T-shirt. It was for his band. I’ve been friends with this guy for close to 20 years, and we hang out on a very regular basis, but I was still excited to receive this free T-shirt. Why? It didn’t have anything special about it. Sure, it has a neat…

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Goofus and Gallant … A Tale of Two Businesses

Some of you may recall the classic characters Goofus and Gallant from Highlights Magazine for Children. As you might guess, Goofus did things wrong … and Gallant, as the name implies, was gallant and did things right.

In doing some research on this, I learned that the Goofus and Gallant feature never offers direct lessons or shows consequences. Highlights CEO Garry Cleveland Myers III notes, “It simply shows a wrong way and a right way of doing things, that’s all.”

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Would You Buy from You?

Have you ever thought long and hard about what it would be like to be a buyer of promotional products? Put yourself in your customer’s shoes for a while and think about what it would be like to be them. Why would they want to partner with you? When you can answer that question in terms of the benefit to them, you will be well on your way to having a unique value statement and differentiating benefit.

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A MUST-READ for Sales Professionals

Every once in a while a book for sales professionals comes along which is destined to be a classic. Sales guru and best-selling author Jill Konrath’s latest book Agile Selling, Get Up to Speed Quickly in Today’s Every Changing Business World is just that.

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Business Lessons from Mickey Mouse

I recently returned from a few days at Disneyland. My wife and I agreed to be chaperones for Grad Nite. On Grad Nite, Disneyland is open until 2 a.m. with just high school graduates and their chaperones. (It sounded like a good idea at the time.) I’m sure this goes on at locations all around the country, but being from Southern California, Disneyland is the place to be.

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Promotional Products as an Engagement Strategy: Part 3 of 3

For effective use, the engagement professional will be strategic and thoughtful in the selection of promotional products as a communications device. Selecting the right products means knowing your communication objectives.

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