So You Think it’s Fun?

Having just returned from some early-season trade shows, I am in awe of the commitment my industry colleagues have to help us build our business. I wrote about this some time ago in a commentary entitled, “A Salute to Our Industry Heroes.”

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No Single Raindrop Believes it is to Blame for the Flood

Our industry has been much maligned. We may dislike it, but the proven effective branding strategies we offer have been devalued in many ways. We’ve embraced terms like swag and tchotchkes, because the terms are so commonly used. It may be argued this contributes to the image of our industry as trinkets and trash.

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Good Products… Good Prices!

Recently, I had an “Ah Hah Moment.” Don’t laugh when I tell that I’m just now realizing that at its core, we are an industry that’s based on products and price. …Really?? This revelation came after my wife and I went to a trade show recentl

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What Makes You Stand Apart from Your Competitors?

I’m active on LinkedIn and my network continues to grow. I get all kinds of connection requests as many of you do. I ignore the carpet cleaners and auto service businesses that are across the county who want to connect, but I always accept connections with people within our industry.

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