Are Promo Industry Firms So Desperate For Short-Term Gains That They’re Willing To Gamble Their Future?

Taking the initiative to ensure safety and responsibility throughout the entire supply chain not only protects the brand equity of end-buyers, but also secures our livelihood in the promotional products industry. Sure, you could continue to gamble by ignoring product safety and responsible sourcing in order to achieve short-term gains, but the safe bet is to invest in the policies and procedures to protect the entire supply chain…

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Have We Met?

As you’re reading this, I’m headed back from a great end-user event at Shumsky. The QCA Distributor Advocacy Council member gathered folks…

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Shape Up or Ship Out

Something very exciting is happening. Or, at this point, it’s already happened, but on the first day of PPAI, when it hadn’t happened yet, I had that static electricity feeling that something big was about to happen. My esteemed colleagues and I were on tap to help announce the creation of the industry’s first Quality Certification Alliance. And I was excited.

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