Make Good Decisions with Good Data

When comparing “same-store sales” and “new customers,” you’re essentially looking at two different metrics used to assess the performance and growth of a business. Most Graphic Communication companies are not looking at their business in this manner. I think they should begin breaking out these numbers and let me go into detail as to why…

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Love or Fear: Pick One

Most psychology experts agree that there are only two primary emotions: love and fear. All positive emotions are derived from love. All negative emotions are derived from fear. For business owners and sales professionals, success starts with making the right choice. Choice 1. Love When we love what we do, everything brings us joy, excitement,…

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Fail More to Succeed

Businesses spend about $250 billion per year on promotional products, printing and custom packaging. You are probably within an hour’s drive of at least $1 billion in business. You are surely an internet connection away from the full $250 billion. So, why do so many distributor owners and sales reps fail to get wealthy? I believe fear of failure is the No. 1 cause for failure…

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Stop Having Excuses. Start Hustling.

  By now, we have heard more than enough of these words: COVID-19, coronavirus, social distancing and many more. I will tell you one more word I have heard enough of: excuses. I hear people blaming their low sales on the virus, on their customers being closed, on the fact they can’t make face-to-face sales…

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Who Talks on Elevators Anyway?

A frequently asked question that I get at speaking engagements is, “What is your elevator speech?” Or, I’m asked to help someone craft an elevator speech. Here’s what I don’t like about elevator speeches: They’re canned. They are a one-size-fits-all recitation that’s not going to win anyone any business. It’s not that I’m down on being…

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