The Hotel and Hospitality Graphics Opportunity

When you consider the graphics you encounter daily, there are many you never give a second — or third — thought to. Hotels are probably at the top of that list. Think about it: when was the last time you stopped and thought about what it took to create the spaces you move through as…

Increase Your Promo & Print Expertise 24/7 – promo’s source for exclusive industry education – has added two new sections with classes to aid print brokers in adding promo to their offerings, and to help promo distributors break into the print industry.

Identifying The Printing Industry’s Disruptors

Things change. For example, consider this quote from the 2054 Merriam-Webster Dictionary: “Football (/fo-ot-bôl/) Any of several games played between three teams on a triangular field having goalposts at all three sides, and whose object is to get the ball over a goal line, into a designated goal by running or kicking.” Wow! How did…

Mid-Year Consumables Market Update: Imported Aluminum Offset Plates Under Siege

With the year already more than half over, it’s a great time to pause and take stock of what’s going on in the consumables space — aluminum offset plates, paper, inks, and everything else needed to actually produce printed materials.   While we have certainly come a long way from the shortages and price hikes…