CPSC To Hold Public Hearing About Lead Content

The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA) states that by August 14, 2011, children’s products must meet a standard of no more than 100 parts-per-million (ppm) of lead, down from the current limit of 300 ppm, unless it is determined not technologically feasible. Affecting manufacturers of a number of promotional products such as toys and apparel, the new standard could require substantial manufacturing changes to occur in the next seven months.

To address the possible change, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is holding a public hearing on the subject on February 16, 2011. Consumers concerned about the health considerations and manufacturers affected by the new regulation are encouraged to participate and may sign up on the CPSC’s website. Those unable to attend will be able to watch the meeting via a live webcast.

The new regulation is related to the CPSIA enforcement being voted on today. That change, if ratified, would delay until September 14, 2011 certain testing requirements for lead. If the vote does not pass, the affected products would require third-party component testing starting February 11, 2011, at the current 300 ppm lead requirements, and then require retesting if the change to 100 ppm lead is enacted in August.

Nancy Nord, commissioner for the CPSC, discussed the CPSIA stay of enforcement and potential changes on her website. “While this extension is certainly better than nothing, I question whether this extension is long enough to accomplish all we and the marketplace need to do before the stay lifts,” she wrote. For the full post, click here.

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