The editors of Promo Marketing often conduct roundtable discussions on life’s little inanities. These whimsical side conversations typically occur when the coffee’s been flowing like wine, or when the 3 p.m. slump hits and we’re all waiting for our second (or third) wind to kick in.
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Brand Matters
To begin on a slightly more melancholy note this week, we’ve had quite a few losses lately, haven’t we?
Read MoreA Midsummer’s Daydream
It happens every year, typically around late June, but it never fails to take me by surprise. It’s a peculiar feeling, particularly because the timing just seems, well, odd.
Read MoreEvery Body, Everywhere
I love when body parts make a “comeback.” Isn’t it great? Like, no one had legs until shorts became popular again a couple years ago.
Read MoreA Trio of Terrible
In my life, there exists a triumvirate of discomfort: cold, wet and far from home. When they’re experienced separately,
Read MoreWhen Fashion Trends Attack
Dear Fashion Industry,
We’ve been compadres for a long time, but sometimes you do things I just don’t understand. I have to lay it on the table here, there are certain aspects of you I am just not OK with.
Just Call Me a Red Shirt
In an effort to run away from the news this weekend, I had what turned out to be a cartoon movie marathon. OK, mini-marathon. OK, I watched two cartoon movies.
Read MoreBarry Bonds and Summer Logic
Imagine my surprise to find that my coworker, Charles Plyter (yes, the Charles Plyter from Michael Cornnell’s blog) and I have the same instinctive reasoning process.
Read MoreSave the Date
I’ve been talking a lot about the Web recently, it seems. By my running tally, some type of Internet news or terminology has been mentioned in oh, I don’t know, at least three of my last five blog posts. So, in an effort to keep my (almost) weekly howdy-dos fresh and fizzy, today I’m going to discuss … the Web.
Read MoreSending Out a Sales SOS?
Message received: It’s hard out there for a salesperson. Luckily, we’re here to help.
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