If You Aren’t Reinventing the Future, the Future Will Reinvent You

Where will you be when things settle down? A great number of marginal performers will be gone. Those who have not innovated will be gone. Those who have not created value for their clients will be gone. But a lot of us will be standing, and will be better, stronger and more equipped for success.…

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Skate to Where the Puck Is—Lessons from ‘The Great One’

It’s up to you to create your future. Tough times require tough performances. Tough times bring out champions. The greatest hockey player in the history of the game—”The Great One,” Wayne Gretzky—was deemed too small, too wiry and too slow to be a force in the NHL by the so-called “experts.” But, he has a…

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6 Things Clients Are Buying

Clients and prospects still are buying. Your customers still need you and still want to buy from you. What your customers want to buy is a more efficient, more profitable, more exciting company. They want to buy a better brand. They want to buy the ability to be the first choice among shoppers looking for the services…

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What’s Their Story?

If you want to become a business partner who matters, you need to get to know your customers. Go deep. Study their companies every way and every where you can. Start on your computer. Google the companies. Read articles about them. Set up Google Alerts to get trending articles about them. Study their industries. Read…

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Before and After

Answer this. Believe your answer. You’ll be well on your way to defining your competitive advantage, your value proposition, and will become more successful at differentiating yourself and your company. You’ll be well on your way to moving away from the commodity business and being an innovative value creator. Describe your client’s life before they…

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How Well Do You Know Your Customer’s Business?

Your job is to solve your customers’ problems. Period. That’s all. You need to become a part of their organizations. This is vital if you want to earn the right to charge a little more and be compensated for your expertise. Think of your job as earning a job at your target prospects’ companies. This…

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