Entertainment Meets Marketing: Amazing Gatsby, Pop Art and Rock Music Promos

Entertainment and promotional marketing: A pairing that normally reminds us of being forced to eat Hulk-colored Taco Bell at gunpoint while Rihanna sings something about love and Go-Bots in the background will, on occasion, produce something worth looking at. Call it a miracle or call it people actually putting more than two-seconds effort into their jobs, but sometimes, entertainment marketing can produce some beautiful and engaging pieces.

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Last Week for Top Distributors List!

Anyone who’s part of a 10-million-per-year-or-more distributorship, if you or your CFO/marketing person hasn’t gotten me your form yet, you need to get on that! This week is it! After that we’re off to the printers and your chance for glory and fame will be gone, like low gas prices or a functioning federal government. (That’s right, political humor on a Monday! This week I’m taking no prisoners!)

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3 Great Promotional Products for Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day will be here before you know it. In case you’re stuck on ideas for products, here are three mighty and mom-worthy product suggestions, pulled from the all-knowing and endless brunch buffet that is Promo Marketing search.

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Harvard Business Review’s “7 Rules for Managing Creative People” – A Rebuttal

The Harvard Business review recently published a blog titled “7 Rules for Managing Creative People.” Sound interesting? Well too bad, because the article’s actually terrible, and here’s why!

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The 5 Best T-shirt Designs for Total Slackers

Equal parts ironic-mastery and legitimate design prowess, a great slacker tee is the perfect mix of beauty, minimalism, and eye-rolling laughter needed to say exactly what the wearer wants to communicate about his or herself. And since we’re all more or less in the business of perfect expression via T-shirt, I thought it might be cool and helpful and informative to look at some of the best slacker-esque designs out there floating around on the internet today.

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Thousands of Dead Pigs Found in Chinese River

The headline (as well as the actual story) is scary, horrifying, gross, sad and so many other of the world’s worst feelings, but here’s a question for you: What if the dead pigs were just a metaphor?

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How to Not Send 8,000 Misspelled Bags to Missouri State University

Last Friday’s newsletter ran one of our biggest stories ever, “Missouri State University Misspells Name on Over 8,000 Promotional Bags.” Worried about ending up like the poor souls who let that error slip by? Then click through!

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