Mindless Drones Selling Promotional Products

It’s actually no “secret” that a successful business is driven by knowledge. Knowledge is power in an increasingly more challenging business environment. My PPAI award-winning FreePromoTips.com industry resource program has been offering relevant business-building information and industry commentary for years.

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How Does Amazon’s Business Model Affect Ours?

Our evolving industry business model continues to be a hot topic. Recently I started wondering how an online purchasing mentality, I’ll call the Amazon click-to-buy world, affects our industry. It begs the question, are we (aka distributors) really needed? It’s getting easier and easier for end-users to buy online or direct from suppliers.

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I Didn’t Want to Write This

As I write this, it is Saturday at 6 a.m. Normally, I would be getting ready for an enjoyable morning run with my friends. Not today. This morning, I’m lying down with a bag of frozen peas on my knee. As much as I wanted to get out, the wise move was to take this Saturday morning off and let my painful and bruised knee heal.

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Suppliers, Where Are You? Distributors, Where Are You?

I am hardly an expert in the area of social media. In my personal online life, I will post pictures of my cute, but very weird dogs and family outings. I’ll occasionally “check in” at restaurants, since it’s important for my “friends” to know I’m eating well and hanging with the right people that I “tag.”

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So You Think it’s Fun?

Having just returned from some early-season trade shows, I am in awe of the commitment my industry colleagues have to help us build our business. I wrote about this some time ago in a commentary entitled, “A Salute to Our Industry Heroes.”

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