I Hate Accounting! What Can I Do?

Ask the Accountant…

Question: I am a distributor and love sales, but I hate doing accounting. What can I do?

Answer: I hear this often, and it’s OK. Sales is your superpower, and what a skill that is! If you do your accounting and it takes too long or you expend too much energy, it’s defeating and likely not cost effective. What sales might you make in the time it takes you to do your accounting? Would the income from those sales exceed the cost of paying for accounting services?

And there are options regarding accounting. I have a client (all my clients are distributors) who only wanted to learn to do accounting functions to a certain point in her orders. She does enough of the order to give her current data about her A/R and A/P. From there, I step in each month and complete her accounting and reconcile the accounts.

I have often mentioned an example my husband uses with his clients. We all know Superman and his superpowers of flying around and rescuing people, leaping tall buildings in a single bound and generally saving the world. Do you want Superman tied to a desk at night doing accounting? Would that be the best and most productive use of his time? Probably not…

[email protected] www.AccountingSupportLLC.com

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