Survival of the Finest

If the misery of the poor be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin.
Charles Darwin, naturalist (1809-1882)

There is a survival-of-the-fittest mentality that we have all been adhering to—unless, of course, you are not one of the fittest, are living in a crowd of billions and have no voice. For the most part, I can count myself lucky, born into an upwardly mobile middle-class life in a country that has presented opportunity to me—opportunity I have pursued and developed to the best of my ability. There are others who have not been as lucky as I have been, whether she be a woman born in a third world country, an animal on the endangered species list because of deforestation or a planet that cannot react to the harms inflicted upon it.

The Promo Marketing Responsibility Issue is a special supplement I can truly take pride in. It is one where we give to you, the reader, practical ideas, solutions and real life applications that could have a positive, direct impact on the life and survival of another being.
If just one person is inspired by the articles within this issue and decides to make even one small change, whether it be in finding a humane overseas manufacturing plant that gives opportunity to those given few chances in life, an environmental solution that reduces a company’s carbon footprint, or something as simple as adding some long-overdue recycling bins to the office, then we have done our jobs.

If you or someone you know has adopted a new responsible practice, please drop me a line. Then I know that at least once a year my team and I have been a voice for those who cannot be heard and increased their survival odds, even if it is by just the smallest bit.

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