The Power of Promotional Relationships and Other Feel Good News

Today has been a bit crazy. We finished up the magazine and now I am getting organized for the journey out to one of my favorite industry shows, the SAAC show in Long Beach, California. So, today’s blog will be a light-hearted one. While scouting around my usual haunts on the web, I came across, “8 feel-good websites to brighten your day” on CNN’s site.

And they aren’t lying, feel good websites these are! If you don’t check out any of the other suggested sites on this page, make sure you do check out the “Christian the Lion”youtube video. It is something quite incredible to watch. Two men raised Christian the Lion as a pup, and free him into the wild when he has grown strong enough to be on his own. One year after his release, they go to visit him in Kenya. The reception they get from Christian is pretty astounding. You will click out of this video with a fuller reserve tank than you had when you clicked on it. And you will be fully reminded how powerful relationships can be.

Putting a professional spin on this. We all know how important good business relationships are, especially in the promotional products industry. I have never seen a more connected group of suppliers and distributors than what we have in the promotional world. I am reminded of this every time I hit a show floor, with every hand shake, every bit of laughter and the genuine interest in each others lives that I witness on every journey.

This show will be no different. When I arrive at the SAAC show, I will be greeted by many friendly faces, most of which I haven’t seen in months. I am looking forward to catching up with each one of you to find out what new products you have on deck, what your new business goals will be for the upcoming 4th quarter, and definitely to laugh a little.

So while you are getting yourself organized for the trip to SAAC (as I am) take a quick break and check this one out. Truly a great reminder of the power of relationships, whether they be professional or personal – two legged or four.

Hope to see you in Long Beach!

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