If you’re looking to grow, this is a good time to plan for the new year and change what you can control, starting with your marketing strategy. As you work on your marketing plan for the new year, you might be wondering what things you should be doing now. Based on our experience and the market changes we have seen in the past two years, here’s what we recommend…
Read MoreTag: Branding
What Makes a Strong Distributor Brand (and Why You Need One)
As a promotional products distributor, you are in the business of branding. In an overly commoditized marketplace, if you want to grow your business, you must lead by example with a strong brand that differentiates you from the rest by establishing your expertise and authority in the marketplace…
Read MoreIs Your Brand Supporting Your Success?
It’s curious to me that we are in the “branding business,” yet so many companies seem to have a brand that does not contribute to their success. Here’s a rule I learned many years ago: If you sell products, you will be asked to quote prices. If you sell solutions, you can name your price. Pick…
Read MoreMy 5 Favorite Promotions of the Week: Brewery Tees, Wilco Pencils and More
There were so many amazing promotions this week that I almost had to upgrade this to a Fave 10. But, I’m a stickler for consistent branding, so I managed to narrow it down to five. You’ll notice that this week’s Fave 5 skews pretty heavily toward beer and tacos, but I guess that’s just the stage of life I’m in right now…
Read MoreDoes Your Brand Suck?
I believe that many businesses have brands that suck. I mean suck away opportunities for sales and profits! Let me explain. First, there are many companies out there with brand names that only indicate they sell printing or promotional products. Names like, “City Printing Company” or “Peoria Promotional Products LLC.” These names suggest the company…
Read MoreConcubines, Coffee and Change
“Sixty queens there may be, and eighty concubines, and virgins beyond number; but my dove, my perfect one, is unique…” (Song of Solomon 6:8-9). This Old Testament verse, interestingly written by one of my very distant relatives (Solomon), beautifully makes a point that modern day language can’t quite convey. Every business must have a unique…
Read More8 Changes to Make to Your Email Signature Now
Email signatures are widely used and almost never updated. Some signatures are really sad. We are in the branding business, and your email signature says so much about you and your brand. My recommendations below will help you get the most from your email signature.
Read MoreHow to Overcome Cultural Misconceptions Through Branding
From The Washington Post, a Sikh man writes about building cultural trust and understanding through branding.
Read More10 Strategies of the World’s Most Successful Businesses…
Brand building in the broad sense is based on innovation, which of course is a driving force in the electronics industry. In the promotional products industry, aside from the incentive sector, our products are used to support our client’s branding.
Read MoreLife is Good … Isn’t It?
As I strolled through Los Angeles International Airport on my way to Miami, I took notice of the “Life is Good” store that is in many airports. At 6:00 a.m. it was closed, but my branding brain is always going.
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