Presentation Keys are Essential to Your Ultimate Success

As a speaker, it is imperative to follow a certain set of standards to stay on top of my game. These same standards helped me when I was making client presentations. Learn these guidelines and continue to hone them, and you will see amazing success.

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Set Goals, Review and Measure Often to Stay on Course

If I were to ask you, “Where do you want to be at the end of next year, in three years or five?” what would you say? Selling $1 million, maybe $2 million? Increasing your profits by 15 percent? Having 10 new clients? Spending more time with your family? Going on that long wanted European vacation? Well, whatever your goal, you must envision it, have a plan, work the plan, and measure the plan in order to stay on course if you ever want to see your goals to fruition.

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Promotional Products: If It Ain’t Broke, Leave It Be

I wrote recently in this space about swag that went wrong for Goldman Sachs at a conference for women in tech. In fact, the comments on that post continue over in the Promo Marketing LinkedIn Group (If you’re on LinkedIn, and you aren’t already a member of this group, you should be—there are some very interesting contributors and some great discussions).

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Discover the Truth About Bad Companies!

Responding to a need in our industry, a group of savvy distributors and suppliers have come together to create a badly needed resource. Their mission is to bring truth and justice to our industry.

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6 Reasons Why Marketing Fails and How to Prevent It

When it comes to marketing, there are no guarantees. A great marketing idea that is poorly implemented or incorrectly presented can have less than desirable results. You might spend hours of development time and a ton of money, so pay heed to the advice to ensure top results.

There are many factors that dictate the success or failure of any marketing campaign. Let’s discuss what they are and how to prevent the disasters from happening—or at best, keep them to a minimum.

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Going Guerrilla: Some Do’s and Don’ts of Guerrilla Marketing

I love spotting great guerrilla marketing campaigns. They’re surprising, entertaining and often shockingly bold. That’s what makes them work. There’s nothing bland about them. Like a 7-foot-tall basketball player at a cocktail party, guerrilla marketing stands out. 

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What If Our Clients Were Like Our Dogs?

I confess that I am a dog lover. I have three dogs, Barlow, Spud and Kobe, each with their own odd personality. Barlow, black lab rescue, plays a role in one of my favorite videos, The Most Expensive Product Review Ever. Spud, a long-haired miniature dachshund, loves to participate in video product reviews. In this video, To Groom or Not Groom, I ask for your input on the FreePromoTips Facebook page. Is it time for Spud to be groomed, or does his scraggly, working-class look work for him?

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A Supplier Loses It!

We all have our breaking points in our personal and business lives. A supplier recently did get mad at me and was not controlled in responding. The experience got me thinking about different approaches to handling business situations. 

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