7 Reasons You Should Buy the Apple Watch (Or Another Smart Watch)

The hype around the Apple Watch is reaching epic proportions, and while I am far from an Apple fan boy, there are some very good reasons you should buy a smart watch based on my recent interaction with my own smart watch.

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Protecting Your Kids and Grandkids Online and at Home

A common question I hear from parents is how to protect your children online. There are numerous options from software, to proper parenting that you can choose from.

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Treat or Trick: Are These 11 New Tech Items All They’re Wrapped Up To Be?

So much has happened in the last two weeks in technology, it makes sense to do a quick recap of some of the new devices and software. Here are my positions on 11 technology items that you might (or should) be considering.

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Is the iPhone the New BlackBerry?

At the risk of offending a few people, I’m going to touch on a very personal topic, but it’s a topic that many are interested in: Which brand of mobile device platform is better, Apple iOS or Google’s Android?

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Digging Beneath the “Surface”

Bad pun aside, no doubt you have heard the announcement regarding the Microsoft Surface tablet computer. There are many interesting things about this announcement but as usual, I care about how it effects us going forward.

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