The Last Days of Trade Shows

Leaving Chicago after last week’s show, I couldn’t help but think about the least well-kept secret in the industry: the last day of any trade show is dead.

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Indemnification: Are You—And Your Clients—Really Protected?

While the concept behind indemnification agreements is understandable, they fail to address one crucial question: How do indemnification agreements protect the end buyer’s brand?

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Drinkware tips from Huffermen

Our April issue has been out for a little while now, which among other things, contains my amazing, fantastic and generally mind-blowingly great drinkware story. It contains advice and tips from drinkware experts at Huffermen,, Visstun and Moderne Glass on how to sell different kinds of drinkware, like sports bottles, glassware and travel mugs

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How was Chicago?

After catching a late-night flight back from Chicago, I can say it’s good to be home. It was a good trip in terms of meeting new people and finding exciting products that we will be showcasing in upcoming issues. While I’m not sure how the show traffic compares to last year (you tell me), there definitely were ample suppliers and distributors to talk to. Unfortunately, I won’t be in Long Beach next week but I hope everyone will stop by the booth and say hello to Anthony and Erin. It’s a good place to check out our end-buyer catalogs and if you haven’t

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